Although every care has been taken in the preparation of this website, we make no representations or provides nor assurances or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained within it, please refer to Legal Terms.

Changes may be made to the website at the discretion of at any time without notice.

Data may not be reproduced in whole or part without permission and acknowledgement.


Technical details in connection with visits to this website are logged by ICDL for statistical purposes. No information that could be used to identify website visitors is collected or retained. The technical details logged are confined to the following items:

  • the IP address of the visitor's web server 
  • the top-level domain name used (for example .ie, .com, .org, .net) 
  • the previous website address from which the visitor reached the ICDL website, including any search terms used 
  • clickstream data which shows the traffic of visitors around this website (for example pages accessed and documents downloaded)
  • the type of web browser used by the website visitor.

ICDL will make no attempt to identify individuals, or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual. It is the policy of ICDL never to disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party other than the web statistics service provider unless required by law to disclose such information. The technical information will be used only by ICDL, and only for statistical and other administrative purposes. You should note that technical details, which we cannot associate with any identifiable individual, are not constituted as "personal data" in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.